How to Attract and Support Remote Employees

Although the pandemic jump started the movement for companies allowing their employees to work remotely, a vast amount of evidence shows that remote work is here to stay, even if it’s in a hybrid setting. According to Forbes, 12.7% of full-time employees work from home, while 28.2% work a hybrid model. Taking it further than that, 16% of companies operate fully remote, acting as a model for other companies to follow by showing how it’s possible.

Additionally, it’s no secret that remote work positively impacts both the employer and the employee. As the University of South Florida explains, employers who allow remote work see the following benefits:

  • They save on costs.
  • They increase engagement and productivity.
  • They build their brand.
  • They improve employee retention.
  • They attract better talent.

On the other hand, according to Indeed, remote work benefits the employees by:

  • Allowing a flexible work schedule
  • Increasing productivity
  • Saving time and money
  • Prioritizing well-being and self-care

Achieving a work-life balance

If your organization is looking to improve its remote work processes, keep reading to find out how you can attract, manage, and support remote employees.


How Can You Attract Remote Employees?

One of the biggest benefits of offering remote work is having the ability to hire candidates in various states and even countries, expanding the talent pool that’s given to you. However, if your company is used to recruiting employees only from a certain geographic location, it may be challenging to widen your horizon. Here’s where you can start.

Share the Job Positions Extensively

Reaching candidates from all over the country requires sharing open job positions far and wide, increasing your chances of finding the right fit. The first place to start, according to Upwork,would be within your own network. These recommendations come from people that you already know and trust, which means that there’s already some level of credibility for the potential employee. The downside of turning to your network, however, is that these recommendations may be biased or limited.

Additionally, sharing the positions on social media can easily ramp up the amount of people who see and apply for the open roles. Posting the position on LinkedIn and then asking your network to share the position can make a huge difference in the reach.

Lastly, job boards can be a great resource for finding potential employees. However, keep in mind that these job boards don’t always bring the most qualified candidates and can therefore inundate you with hundreds of applicants, so be aware of how much time and resources will be required on your end for this.

Above all, ensure your organization is putting in the work to guarantee diversity in recruiting. That involves:

  • Revamping job descriptions
  • Crafting an equal opportunity hiring statement
  • Targeting sources containing diverse candidates

And more. Implementing equal hiring practices can increase your chances of finding high-quality remote staff.

Offer Highly Sought-After Benefits and Perks

Offering remote work in general used to be a highly desirable benefit, but with many other organizations also allowing remote work, it doesn’t hold as much weight as it used to. That means it’s crucial for your company to offer other highly sought-after benefits and perks that will attract the right candidates. As suggested by We Work Remotely, the best offers may include:

  1. Healthcare, especially resources for mental healthcare, as burnout can often result from remote work
  2. Flexible work options to accommodate their personal lives and additional responsibilities
  3. Home office stipend to set up an ideal working environment
  4. Childcare and elder care assistance to lessen the burden of caring for loved ones
  5. Learning and development opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills
  6. Wellness stipend to ensure self-care and overall well-being
  7. Coworking space stipend, if employees work better in a more “traditional” office environment rather than at home

Overall, employees want to ensure that they’ll feel supported in their new role. By offering these incentives, you’ll have a bigger opportunity to attract additional talent.

Work with a Recruiter

If your company is struggling to find the right talent on your own, working with a recruiter is the next best step. Benefits of working with an external professional include:

  • Saving you time and money
  • Getting access to their expertise
  • Leveraging their current network
  • Ensuring the process isn’t biased

And more. If you would like to ensure that you’re attracting the best possible candidates for your open positions, hiring a third party to manage this for you is the most efficient way to go. At MomUp, we’re here to meet you where you are and work with you to fulfill your recruiting needs.


Although it’s not as prevalent today, there used to be a stigma or fear that remote workers weren’t actually working because they didn’t have managers to stand by them and ensure they were completing their tasks. Not only is this mindset toxic and micromanagerial, but it also simply isn’t the case, as shown by the vast research of how much of a positive impact remote workers bring to their employers.

To create a workflow that accommodates both you and your employees, implement these management tips, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Set Expectations from the Start

In order to know what you, the employer, are responsible for, as well as your employees, it’s crucial to set expectations with your remote workers from the start. This involves:

  • Determining performance goals
  • Noting communication preferences and cadence
  • Stating project and deliverable timelines

And more. Not only do these guidelines prevent burnout and create a work-life balance for your employees, but they also ensure that projects don’t slip through the cracks and that deadlines are still met.

Emphasize Open Communication

Nobody wants to feel like they have someone micromanaging them, but they do want to feel like there are open lines of communication whenever there’s a question, comment, or concern. Let your employees know how they can get in touch with you and set up communication channels that allow you to be accessible. This may include having a company Slack channel, setting up weekly meetings, or allowing text messages via a work phone.

However, be transparent about your boundaries with responding to messages outside of work hours, and allow your employees to do the same.

Determine Performance Goals

Work with your employees to determine performance goals with them, together, rather than setting their goals for them. Taking a collaborative approach ensures that your employees feel supported, validated, and important. Be sure to meet with your employees each month to review the progress of their goals, celebrate any wins, and brainstorm ways to get past any roadblocks that get in the way.

Setting goals motivates your employees to have something to work towards and makes them feel valuable when they achieve those goals and therefore contribute to the success of the company.


Although it’s important to always support all of your employees, remote employees require even more support due to not being in the same space as them five days per week. It may involve more effort on your end, but implementing these resources, as suggested by Forbes, to help your employees feel taken care of can go a long way.

Include Everyone

It can be easy for team members who work in person to naturally gravitate towards one another in meetings or company outings due to spending a lot of time together. As the employer, it’s your responsibility to ensure all employees feel included in every activity and conversation, rather than feeling isolated due to working from home. This may involve pairing individuals in teams who may not normally work together or individually asking questions to your employees during team meetings.

Focus on What They Delivered vs How Long They Worked

Long gone are the beliefs that a work week is only successful if you worked 40 hours. These days, what you accomplished and completed each week matters much more than how much you worked. For example, an in-house employee can technically work the full 40 hours but not have much to show for it due to office distractions and a lack of productivity. On the other hand, a remote employee could have only worked 30 hours but delivered on a major project deadline during that time due to having no distractions at home. In this case, the output of the remote employee is much more desirable, even though they technically worked “less.”

As an employer, empower your employees to focus on their deliverables rather than how much time they clock. Especially as many remote employees are often juggling childcare and other personal appointments during the workweek, their hours may be all over the place. However, that may also mean that they know how to use their time wisely and get stuff done when they’re under time constraints.

Plan Team-Building Activities

Close professional relationships are often built in an office setting, which means that opportunity may not exist for employees who work remotely. As an employer, it’s crucial for you to plan monthly team-building activities that bring all staff members together, encourage camaraderie, and allow them to get to know each other better. Atlassian suggests:

  • Online lunch get-togethers, paid for by the company
  • Craft or activity classes
  • Mini games
  • Book clubs

And more. As many of your remote employees are likely parents, be sure to host these “outings” during the day rather than in the evenings or on the weekends, when these individuals may need to take care of their loved ones. Dedicating time during the work day ensures that all can be involved.


Partnering with MomUp

If you’re looking for additional resources, we’re here to help. At MomUp, we specialize in supporting organizations who are ready to attract the best candidates for their open positions while amplifying the talent of underrepresented communities. We work with our clients to build diverse teams and ensure that those candidates feel supported and secure in their new workplace, regardless of their sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Additionally, we prioritize creating flexible work environments that provide equal opportunities for all candidates.