For Employers

How does the process work?

Our team will meet with you to learn more about the role you are looking to fill, your goals for the role and culture fit. From there we will send you well-matched candidates and partner with you throughout the entire hiring process. Learn more here.

What is the fee for the MomUp service?
Contact us to find out more.

How are potential candidates vetted?
MomUp goes beyond resumes and qualifications. We meticulously assess each candidate for cultural fit, leadership potential, and a relentless drive to succeed. By partnering with us, you gain access to talent your competitors might miss, all while saving valuable time and resources.

What types of roles do you fill?
We connect you with a pre-vetted network of mid to senior-level executives, boasting extensive experience and proven success in various industries:

  • Tech Startups: Find visionary CEOs, growth-hacking CMOs, and innovative CTOs to propel your venture to the next level.
  • Financial Institutions: Access seasoned CFOs, risk management experts, and compliance specialists to ensure financial stability and growth.
  • Engineering Firms: Recruit top-tier engineers, project managers, and technology leaders to drive innovation and efficiency.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Attract passionate executives with fundraising expertise, operational excellence, and a deep understanding of your mission.

What type of positions are candidates looking for?
Our network features experienced leaders who are ready to tackle critical challenges and lead your organization to success.Choose from full-time, part-time, or fractional options to meet your specific needs. Whether you need a visionary CTO, a seasoned CFO, or a passionate non-profit leader we have the candidates for you.

How experienced is your candidate pool?
MomUp curates a select network of high-impact startup CEOs, Fortune 500 CFOs, marketing and human resources directors and seasoned engineering leaders. Our dedicated executives boast an average of 10+ years of experience driving tangible growth in their respective industries. MomUp connects you with pre-vetted, results-oriented executives ready to accelerate your organization's success.

Can we hire short term contractors through you?

Yes. Depending on the role and scope we can also offer contractor/consulting services and manage the payroll.

For Job Seekers

What is required to become a MomUp candidate?
There is no list of specific requirements to apply. On average our candidates have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and 8-10 years of experience in their respective field.

Where are employers based?
All Across the US.

Does it cost anything?
There is no fee to join!

How does the process work?
Once you fill out the Get Started form you are part of our network.  As we have leads that match your interests we will reach out to you to begin the interview process. Be sure to take advantage of our coaching services, free workshops, and job board as well.

Do I have to be a Mom to work with MomUp?
MomUp wants to work with anyone who values our mission and vision.

For Coaching

What is coaching?

Coaching encompasses an array of services which include: helping you establish your next steps, exploring opportunities for growth, assisting with job search strategies, resume and interview feedback, as well providing support on how to approach opportunities and challenges in your life and workplace.

What do MomUp Coaches do?  

Our coaches help with a variety of career and life-related issues including resume support, career exploration, work- life balance and work related issues. They can provide guidance, structure, direction and accountability on your career journey.

How do I sign up with a MomUp Coach?

Start by deciding  what type of coaching you need; are you searching for resume support or looking for help discovering your next career steps? Are you a teacher looking to move out of the classroom or an executive looking for leadership advice?

Review our coaches’ bios and expertise to help you decide with which coach you would like to work.

From there, you can select any coach to learn more about them and to directly book your service.  If booking career coaching services,  we recommend you start with our FREE 15 minute consultation to ensure the coach is a great fit for you.

When you are ready to start working with a coach, return to their drop down menu and book the specific service. You will be prompted for payment as well as asked to fill out a brief intake form. You will then hear from your coach within 48 hours to schedule your session.

What if I need more than one session?

Coaching often includes more than one session. You and your coach may decide after your first session that you may want to continue working together.  Return to their drop down menu and book additional sessions.

How are MomUp coaches selected?

Our coaches are vetted for their expertise, training and experience. You will notice that each comes with their own speciality which allows you to choose to work with one that is most compatible to your needs.

Why do I have to pay upfront to work with a coach?

Our professional coaches are ready to schedule an appointment with you as soon as you sign up.  Our upfront payment allows them to begin working with you immediately and demonstrates our commitment to you as a client.

Why do the coaches have different rates?

Our coaches set their own rates based on their specialities, experience and methods.  They are vetted for their unique service and each has a distinct skill set to their specialty.

Once I have paid, how soon will I hear from a coach?

MomUp coaches will reach out to you within 48 hours to schedule a session.

What is group coaching?

Group coaching is ideal if you have a topic you would like to explore with your team such as allyship or leadership development. Group coaching  allows people to dive more deeply into a topic while a coach helps facilitate the discussion.

The ideal size for a group session is 6-8 individuals. We find that companies often book group sessions when a new leader is brought on to a team as well as when there is a new cohort of hires.

Additionally, group coaching can be a cost effective way to gather a group (personal or professional) to address a single topic such as confidence, salary negotiation, partnership strategy or any other career related topics.  Individuals who participate in group coaching don’t receive the same curated attention as in a 1:1 session with a coach. However they gain accountability partners by approaching a shared topic.

What is Clifton Strengths Assessment Coaching?

The CliftonStrengths Assessment is an online tool to help you discover your natural talents. Strengths-based leadership coaching is all about helping people deepen their awareness of these talents, intentionally leverage these talents toward leadership goals, and develop talents into strengths. The Top 5 CliftonStrengths report launches you into the conversation with a basic understanding of your most dominant talent themes. The CliftonStrengths 34 report provides deeper insight into your full ranking and provides added action items and resources for continued development.

What is your cancellation policy?

Coaching sessions can be canceled up to 48 hours in advance. Your payment will not be refundable for cancellations made within 48 hours of the appointment start time. You may cancel your coaching session order within 24 hours of purchasing and request a refund. The refund will be issued, minus a 5% transaction fee.

If a coach needs to cancel for any reason, efforts will be made to alert you as soon as possible, and rescheduling or a refund will be offered.

What is your refund policy?

If you have purchased a package and would like to cancel after beginning sessions and/or receiving services you may only request a refund for the amount pertaining to remaining sessions. You may not cancel or request a refund after the services have been performed.

Most businesses are a few key hires from unparalleled growth.

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